
Devrim Alp?ge

director & actor.
voice over.


Devrim directs short movies, music videos and internet videos.

"Then There Was Body", a 3-minute experimental film was shown in a dozen international festivals and won a prize in Spain. Two videos produced in 2010 have both been visualized more than 30,000 times on the Internet.

Devrim Alpöge

Voice Over

Devrim is voice actor in Turkish (Mediawan channels broadcasted in Turkey) and in French (TV movies).

My Services

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What I offer


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Devrim Alpöge

Devrim Alpöge was born on may 8th, 1969 in Istanbul, Turkey. He started using his father’s 8mm camera when he was seven years old. In 1983, he moved to Paris, with his mother, to join his father who had begun to work there two years earlier. In 1988, he made a short movie in Turkey with his parents' old camera. The movie won an encouragement prize in the Istanbul Short Film Festival. After finishing his BA in France at the EISTI and his M.B.A at The Florida Tech University he started to work as a correspondent for the Turkish press. At the beginning of the new era, the technological advances made in video encouraged him to produce his own movies and to use digital tools. His short experimental movie with plastic packages, Then There Was Body, was shown in 9 different festivals in Europe and the United States, and was awarded "Best Experimental Video" in Girona, Spain.

Devrim Alpoge directs his films and also acts in them. He has been employed by the French public radio RFI for 12 years. Today, he works as a Turkish voice-over talent for 4 French channels broadcasting in Turkey. He developed different video projects, one of which is Travel in Paris like a Parisian, short videos about Paris off the beaten track.

Devrim Alpöge

Contact Me

Paris, France

Email: devrim_alpoge@sfr.fr
Phone: 06 22 87 15 36

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